synIRC strives to provide a free, safe, stable, and secure environment for internet relay chat (IRC) with minimal negative intrusion or impact from network staff.

Test link:

To improve our quality of service in Europe,, based in Finland and graciously donated by k1, has been accepted as a test link.

Full link:

Our newest test link, donated by bitmaster, passed the test link process today and has become our newest full link. Congratulations!

Services maintenance

We will be upgrading network services to version 1.8.3 of Anope during the morning (around 11am EDT) of Sunday, 21 March 2010. The upgrade is being done to ensure that we have the latest bug fixes for our network services. (None of these bugs have been triggered on the network yet but it's better to be proactive about these things.)

During the upgrade process, services will be offline for a few minutes. We will keep this downtime to a minimum. No registrations or other information stored in services will be changed as part of this upgrade.

Test link:

To improve our quality of service in Europe,, based in the Netherlands and donated by bitmaster, has been accepted as a test link.


Regretfully, CuttingEdge has to let go at the end of this month and the server will be delinking then.

Changes to and

jon will be stepping down as the administrator of slushey will be taking over the server and renaming it slushey's current server, will be delinking within the next week.

Welcome to our new test links

To improve service for our European users and to replace the recently departed, we have accepted link applications for two new European servers, run by CuttingEdge and run by truls. We welcome the admins to staff and we hope that their servers pass the test link process with flying colors.

You can follow us on Twitter!

You can now follow synIRC on Twitter. You can see our feed at or you can follow us by adding to the list of users to follow.

New statistics service

schadowfox has implemented a new statistics service to replace the old, problematic Denora service. To request a statistics bot for your channel or for other information, please inquire in #request.

Maintenance on network services

Network services will be taken down briefly on Sunday, 11 May 2008 at approximately 1:00pm EDT to upgrade the software and replace the faulty AJOIN module which has been causing services to fail periodically. Network services should be down for no more than five minutes.

Update: Due to unforseen events, this has been postponed to Sunday, 18 May.

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