Our webserver will undergo maintenance on Sunday, 09 September 2012 around 11 am EDT to improve website and webchat performance during peak usage times.
The server will be offline for about fifteen to twenty minutes. During this time, the synIRC website, forums, and webchat will be unavailable. No IRC servers will be affected. Network services will also not be affected.
Update: Due to circumstances beyond our control, this has been postponed to Sunday.
News for the past two months:
Within the next week, our US hub will be moving to new hardware. Network services will be moved to the secondary hub while the move is going on to keep outages to a minimum.
Somehow the last six months of news did not make it onto the site. First, the older news:
The most recent news is that we have accepted two new test links:
This morning, most of our users were banned from the network. This was the result of my error and I am truly sorry.
I had added a spamfilter to the network to try to block a swarm of bots that were joining the network. Since the first filter did not work, I removed it and added a second one. This occurred at 9:11am EST. Promptly, most of our users were removed from the network with the message "Spambots not wanted". This also affected most of our network staff.
Visitors to the website and our forums trying to find out what happened brought the webserver to its knees. Unfortunately, with the webserver unresponsive, most of our server admins were not able to rehash their servers and add exemptions for themselves so they could work on correcting the issue.
Thanks to network staff, the issue was resolved completely by 10:22am EST.
This incident highlighted several different things:
We are currently working on how to approach the technical issues.
I am going to take steps to make sure I do not repeat this. For starters, I am going to avoid doing anything with the spam filters until I have a reliable mechanism for testing them first.
Again, I'm truly sorry this happened. Please accept my apologies.
As part of our continuing efforts to improve service in North America, we have accepted logik.nj.us.synirc.net as a test link, donated by darkex. This server is located in New Jersey, USA.
The French provider for hades.fr.eu.synirc.net shut down without notice. Aden has moved the server to another provider in Germany and the new hades.de.eu.synirc.net is undergoing the test link process.
We will be updating the software running on our North American hubs in the next two weeks to hopefully address an issue where some client servers are becoming desynchronized with the rest of the network.
Our secondary North America hub will be upgraded this coming weekend on Saturday, 24 September. The hub will only be offline for a few minutes and should have minimal impact.
Our primary North America hub will then be upgraded the next weekend on Saturday, 01 October. We will try to move servers off that hub ahead of time so there will be smaller splits throughout the week rather than one huge split as the hub goes down.
hades.de.eu.synirc.net has been moved to a new provider in France. The server is now hades.fr.eu.synirc.net and is currently going through the testing process.
Jake, the previous co-admin of downtown.tx.us.synirc.net, has taken ownership of that server. The previous admin, Aden, will stay on as co-admin.
We have upgraded the website forums. These should perform better and correct issues that were present in the previous version of the software. The forums are also now SSL-enabled.
There may still be some issues with the new forum software. If you encounter any, please let us know in the Website/Forums Support forum.
We are also working on a new theme for the forums that will better match the rest of the website.